
Donnie Yen vs Bruce Lee

Description: This is a video never seen before, Donnie Yen vs Bruce Lee. A fight that everyone has been dreaming of but no one ever has the chance to watch. Award Winning Animation, years of hard-work has been dedicated to this. Donnie Yen's biggest idol is Bruce Lee.. And this is in recognition of that! All credits of this video goes to http://weibo.com/yixinyuan Creditor of the video is 逸心, the original video can be found at http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNjIyOTM... Watch Donnie Yen showing his MMA skills here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=smLAFC... Watch Donnie Yen fight 10men here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v1Cb2d... Award winning Choreographer and Martial Artist Donnie Yen, this is the best Mixed Martial Arts and Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ) fight scene ever shown on screen. Won multiple awards, and Donnie Yen was eventually chosen to play "Ip-Man", the master of Bruce Lee after his performance in this movie! Donnie Yen is a 6th Degree Black belt in Taekwondo, a Purple belt in BJJ, and a 1st Dan in Judo! Donnie Yen is widely credited by many as the person responsible for popularizing the traditional martial arts style known as Wing Chun. He played the role of Wing Chun grandmaster Ip Man in the 2008 film Ip Man, which was a box office success. Yen is widely credited for bringing mixed martial arts (MMA) into the mainstream of Chinese culture, by choreographing MMA in many of his recent films. Yen has displayed notable skills in MMA, being well-versed in boxing, kickboxing, taekwondo, Muay Thai, wrestling, karate, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, Judo, Wing Chun, and Wushu. Seen as one of the most popular film stars in Asia in recent years, Yen is currently one of the most highly paid actors in the whole of Asia. Yen believes that combining many martial arts together will produce the most effective and harmonious style. Yen has said, "When you watch my films, you're feeling my heart." He has won lots of awards for action choreography and best actor, and is currently the most popular Star in Asia right now, in fact, he has played many famous characters in Chinese history such as Ip Man, Guan Yu, Chen Zhen, Monkey King(Sun Wu Kong) etc. Donnie Yen is still not very famous in Hollywood, but as been in some Hollywood movies such as Blade 2 and Shanghai Knights and has been invited to be casted in the expendables 2, but Donnie Yen has high standards in every film, and is known to be picky when it comes to script choosing. For more information on Donnie Yen visit http://www.donnieyen.asia/ his official website Support him by joining his Official Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/donnieyen.asia His wikipedia page is http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Donnie_Yen If you want more of such videos, please visit my twitter page https://twitter.com/TigerJiuJitsu follow me and request for more Donnie Yen fight scenes A Warrior's Dream is a 3D animated short film with photorealistic visual style. The story is about a martial artist's combat with his imaginary opponent. The martial artist finally realized that the mightiest opponent is himself. The film ends with Bruce Lee's calligraphy "Walk On". Thus the director wishes Donnie Yen can walk on as a martial artist like Bruce Lee, the idol of Donnie Yen himself.
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